Friday, 4 April 2014

Evaluation part 1

Evaluation- Brief

The sub genre of our film is horror; it references different types of elements to horror as it contains all conventions of horror. Including for example a mysterious character seen stalking people, wearing conventional black clothes. This worked well being used as it connoted danger, fear, and mystery. In the title sequence what happens is a man is represented as being dark, scary and mysterious. And is then shown stalking 4 boys into the woods. Even though no actual gore or violence is used within the title sequence, the audience can clearly tell that the man had killed theses boys. We managed to achieve this by having the man in an earlier scene holding up pictures that had been taking from the boys phones and placing them onto a clip board. This worked well as we was fortunate to not have to show actual violence within the title sequence as gore or violence wouldn’t be used conventionally in a title sequence.  

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