Friday 14 March 2014

Diary-Shooting-day 4

Today we have shot and recorded the last scenes of the waking hour title sequence. For this we have first began by recording the last shots of the boys being watched and stalked in the woods by the protagonist. We had to quickly act on our feet because it was not till today we miscalculated the amount of actors we had. Meaning using Liam as filming we had then had to have someone different to be stalking the boys. So we had to quickly find another actor, fortunately for us our friend Billy agreed to do the roll.

Then having all of the actors in place we then was able to film and take shots of us in the woods. Also during the time we then had all of the boys take selfies of each other so that we could print them off and place them in the mysterious mans book at the beginning meaning we will have to re visit shooting at liam's house tomorrow. Now that we have finished shooting completely in the woods and outside the woods we can go back to focusing on the intro of the title sequence in Liams kitchen.

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